我們相互了解、互相支持(上):訪談小圓仔的外籍家長(We’re Knowing and Supporting Each Other:Interview with Foreign Families at Xiao Yuan Zai)
來自日本 / 自2016年起居住在台北 / 品牌公司經營者 /
Mao: 關於在台灣尋找幼兒園,我們確實有一些不同的經驗。我曾經參加親子共學的團體,父母必須輪流投入,而且活動時間只有半天,對我而言,這並不符合我的時間規劃。我們另外參加過的一個親子共學團體也在台北,同樣是華德福教育系統。後來,我選擇讓孩子加入小圓仔,是考慮教室離我們家比較近,而且我們喜歡小圓仔的氛圍和有彈性的帶領方式。
Mao: 在日本鄉下,小孩會去親近大自然,這和華德福的概念是很接近的。日本的幼兒園滿自由的,不過只要小孩一進入小學,他們就開始有課業壓力了,在日本,小學生最重要的事情就是唸書考好成績。對我來說,日本的小學教育太過於制式、且過於傳統,這也是我們決定搬到台灣的原因之一。
Ramses : 我覺得幼兒教育的議題不是國情社會的差異(西班牙或台灣),而是個人選擇。2008年金融危機之後,我們會期望自己的小孩越早準備好面對未來的挑戰,但要準備些什麼?有些父母選擇小孩儘早開始學習英文、閱讀、寫字、彈奏鋼琴和小提琴。有些父母則是選擇其他東西。我們會加入小圓仔,是因為我們認同這裡對於幼兒教育的價值觀,我們認為在孩子進入小學以前,有比學英文和寫字更重要的事情要做。
Mao, from Japan, the manager of a branding company in Taipei.
Living in Taipei since 2016, her child has been in Xiao Yuan Zai (小圓仔
, XYZ in the following text) for 2 years.
Ramses, from Spain, the owner of Spanish restaurant in Taipei.Living in Taipei since 2007, his two children have been in XYZ for 3 years.
Q:Do you have any culture shock when you look for kindergarten in Taiwan?
Mao: As for the search of a kindergarten in Taiwan, we did have some different experiences. Once I joined a parents-and-child group. Parents should take turns to join the group and it’s only for half day, which is not suitable for my schedule. Another experience of parents-and-child group also in Taipei and under the Steiner Waldorf system. Lastly, my child came to XYZ because it is the nearest Waldorf kindergarten from our place. We liked the atmosphere and flexibilities of XYZ.
Q:Your expectations of kindergarten in Taiwan before you join XYZ?
Mao and Ramses : No very much expectations just be a safe and warm place for our kids.
Q:Compared to your experience in your mother country, what are the differences of child education between your mother country and Taiwan?
Mao : In the countryside of Japan, children’s contact with nature is quite similar with the concept of Steiner Waldorf. Kindergartens are very free, but once children enter elementary school, they will have pressure for the study. The most important value for students is to study and have good scores at school.
For me, the elementary school system in Japan is too formal and traditional, that’s one of the reasons we’ve decided to move to Taiwan.
Ramses : I think it’s not about the difference of Spain and Taiwan. It’s about individual choice. After the financial crisis in 2008, we expected our children to be prepared for future challenges as soon as possible, but prepared for WHAT? Some parents choose to learn English, to read, to write, to play violin or piano as soon as possible. Some choose to do other things. We decided to join XYZ because we share quite the same values of education, which means we think there are things more important to do for kids before elementary school.