我們相互了解、互相支持(下):小圓仔的外籍家長分享(We’re Knowing and Supporting Each Other:Interview with Foreign Families at Xiao Yuan Zai)
來自日本 / 自2016年起居住在台北 / 品牌公司經營者 /
來自西班牙 / 自2007年起居住在台北 / 西班牙餐廳老闆 /
Ramses : 我們分享食物的方式很不同。在小圓仔吃午飯前,所有的孩子會一起唱歌感謝土地、父母、老師、朋友,這是很棒的。
Mao : 我很感謝在小圓仔我們沒有規定要穿制服,孩子在這個年紀開始發展他們的自我認同,當他們在選則自己要穿的衣服的時候,他們可以摸到不同的材質、玩到不同的顏色,這比每天穿一樣的服裝,有趣太多了!
Ramses : 我的小孩很清楚知道他們同時擁有兩種文化,他們稱自己是「西灣人」(Xiwan Ren;西班牙+台灣)。混血兒因為他們的外型,常會有在歐洲像是亞洲人,到了亞洲卻又像歐洲人的議題,但其實這些都不是真正的問題,我的孩子們在台灣非常的融入。
Mao : 我們在2016年全家搬到台灣,我的孩子在台灣生活的時間已經超過了她在日本生活的時間,她在台灣適應得非常好,她是日本人也是台灣人!
Ramses : The way we share the food. Before eating lunch in XYZ, kids will sing to thank the earth, parents, teachers and friends, it’s very nice.
Food education in Spain is very different from Taiwan, it’s part of social education.
In Spain, there is a canteen to eat, instead of eating in the classroom. We like to meet people when we have lunch.
Mao : I appreciate there’s no uniform in XYZ, children at this age start to develop their identity. Touching textiles and playing with colors when they choose their clothes is much fun, and better than dressing all the same.
Ramses : I noticed that kids in XYZ like singing Japanese songs. In Spain, kissing or body contact are very normal when we meet people. The border of the body is different between Taiwan and Spain. When kids are playing, my children often give a hug or even a kiss to other Taiwanese kids. Sometimes it’s a beautiful and funny surprise to their classmates and also to teachers!
Our children used to teach others to speak the numbers 1 to 10 in Spanish, and the spanish R, difficult to pronounce!
Ramses : My kids know very well they share two cultures. They call themselves Xiwan Ren (西灣人). Mixed kids always have some issues about physical appearance, because they look Asian in Europe and they look European in Asia. But, finally they don’t have any problem. My kids are perfectly integrated here in Taiwan.
Mao : We moved to Taiwan in 2016. And my kid has passed more time of her life in Taiwan than in Japan. So she integrates very well in Taiwan. She is both Japanese and also Taiwanese!
來自日本 / 自2016年起居住在台北 / 品牌公司經營者 /
來自西班牙 / 自2007年起居住在台北 / 西班牙餐廳老闆 /
Ramses : 我們分享食物的方式很不同。在小圓仔吃午飯前,所有的孩子會一起唱歌感謝土地、父母、老師、朋友,這是很棒的。
Mao : 我很感謝在小圓仔我們沒有規定要穿制服,孩子在這個年紀開始發展他們的自我認同,當他們在選則自己要穿的衣服的時候,他們可以摸到不同的材質、玩到不同的顏色,這比每天穿一樣的服裝,有趣太多了!
Ramses : 我的小孩很清楚知道他們同時擁有兩種文化,他們稱自己是「西灣人」(Xiwan Ren;西班牙+台灣)。混血兒因為他們的外型,常會有在歐洲像是亞洲人,到了亞洲卻又像歐洲人的議題,但其實這些都不是真正的問題,我的孩子們在台灣非常的融入。
Mao : 我們在2016年全家搬到台灣,我的孩子在台灣生活的時間已經超過了她在日本生活的時間,她在台灣適應得非常好,她是日本人也是台灣人!
Q:Please share one or two things your child has learned in XYZ that you think it’s very different from Japan or Spain ?
Ramses : The way we share the food. Before eating lunch in XYZ, kids will sing to thank the earth, parents, teachers and friends, it’s very nice.
Food education in Spain is very different from Taiwan, it’s part of social education.
In Spain, there is a canteen to eat, instead of eating in the classroom. We like to meet people when we have lunch.
Mao : I appreciate there’s no uniform in XYZ, children at this age start to develop their identity. Touching textiles and playing with colors when they choose their clothes is much fun, and better than dressing all the same.
Q:How do you and your kids share your culture in xyz? Food, music, family ideas?
Ramses : I noticed that kids in XYZ like singing Japanese songs. In Spain, kissing or body contact are very normal when we meet people. The border of the body is different between Taiwan and Spain. When kids are playing, my children often give a hug or even a kiss to other Taiwanese kids. Sometimes it’s a beautiful and funny surprise to their classmates and also to teachers!
Our children used to teach others to speak the numbers 1 to 10 in Spanish, and the spanish R, difficult to pronounce!
Q:Do you feel your kid has any issue of integration because one of you or both parents come from another country ?
Ramses : My kids know very well they share two cultures. They call themselves Xiwan Ren (西灣人). Mixed kids always have some issues about physical appearance, because they look Asian in Europe and they look European in Asia. But, finally they don’t have any problem. My kids are perfectly integrated here in Taiwan.
Mao : We moved to Taiwan in 2016. And my kid has passed more time of her life in Taiwan than in Japan. So she integrates very well in Taiwan. She is both Japanese and also Taiwanese!